
Death Metal


A great "one man band" 'cauz he does all alone. He has recorded a CD called "Revive & Rebuke". So know, let's have a talk with Billy.


TBS- Tell us how Discern got started. Billy- After my old band Oblation broke up in late 1995, I still wanted to make some brutal noise.  I could not imagine living life and not being involved making music.  To my knowledge, there were no people near me who loved the Lord and wanted to play death metal and be a ministry, so I said, " If allelse fails, do it yourself!"  I had written these songs while Oblation wasgoing full force, and it was intended to be a side project.  Oblation was more melodic in some ways, while I wanted to make some death metal in the vein of brutal grind, so this was my outlet for that.  So the demise of Oblation brought Discern to a full swing.  the process of a few years, I was able to get time with my producer and have the cd recorded, since we have very busy schedules. I am pleased with the finished product!

I know that you're alone in the band, do you project to do a full band in the near future ? Probably not, due to my busy schedule and some other things I have going on with music.  Also, if I was going to be playing out with a death band, I would want to jam with some guys with a different sound, perhaps more melodic.  Another thing that would alter that as well is finding guys who love the Lord and want to be a ministry with a band.

I listened to your "Revive & Rebuke" CD, which is excellent. Do you project to release an album in the near future ? I am so happy that you liked it!!  Thank you so much for your kind compliments!!  I am writing more Discern material right now, and there will be more Discern, I promise you.

You're a Death Metal band, right ? What bands have influenced your sound ? Yes, you are correct! ha ha....Influences of Discern would have to be Napalm Death, Suffocation, Mortician, older Paramaecium, Crimson Thorn, and Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Were you christian before you started your project band ? Yes, I accepted the Lord and was born again at age 11.

What are you favourite bands ? Oh man, I have so many favorite bands, let's see, ......starting with Napalm Death, Suffocation, Mortician, Paramaecium, Crimson Thorn, Living Sacrifice, Morbid Angel, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Absu, Heart, Barnabas, old Bride, old Sepultura, Philadelphia, Bloodgood, Saint, Hammerfall, Death, Oppressor, Son Volt, Persecution, Resurrection Band, The Lead, Trisha Yearwood, Queen, Kiss, DRI, Youth of Today, Insted, Fugazi, Minor Threat, Sick of It All,Vomit Remnants, and Twila Paris.

What do you do except playing for Discern ? I am an assistant manager at a pizza restaurant here in Dallas, and have a big snake collection.  The best thing in my life is that I have an awesome wife who God has blessed me with!!!

Why have you chosed Discern ? What signification has this name for you ? Discern means to detect, to perceive.  One of the things that we as Christians need to have is discernment.  The Holy Spirit gives us this as long as we are open to Him.  The more you follow Him, you see things differently in this world, in a way, you discern between things of the flesh, versus things of the Spirit.

Let's come back to "Revive & Rebuke" again. Does it have been a good success ? It has been pretty good, and I am still promoting it as much as I can. The secular scene has given me nothing but great reviews from a musical standpoint.  The lyrics they hate, and some reviews are spent whining about the lyrics more than the music. ha ha....oh well...  I have Discern in 4 secular distros being sold.  That is a blessing.  I have sold quite a few in the Christian scene as well.

Any final comments to say before we quit us ? Discern CD's are available for 10 US dollars postage paid.  Send to DISCERN, pmb#4778, 11408 Audelia Rd, Dallas, Tx 75243, USA. Take care and metal forever!!!!